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   Tilly Pass offer a thorough inspection and service of agricultural trailers by level 3 land-based engineers (or equivalent) through our network of authorised dealerships and independents across the UK. 

   Trailers which are submitted for inspection and service are returned to the manufacturers' original specification, with the aim of reducing the number of fatalities associated with agricultural machinery. Our 18-point inspection should be carried out at the suitable interval of twelve months, with operator's checks in between, in line with the PUWER98 Regs and the BS14200:2023. 

   Once a trailer has been checked and restored by a fully qualified, authorised technician, a certificate is affixed to the rear and a copy of the service sheet is returned to the Tilly HQ. These sheets can be produced in the event of an incident, showing that the owner of the trailer has fulfilled their duty of care. These sheets can also be accessed by new owners who are searching for service history of their second-hand trailer.

   The Health and Safety Executive have gone on record as saying that the Tilly Pass scheme is the most comprehensive system for inspecting and maintaining agricultural trailers in the UK.


  Visit our 'Tilly Technician Map' to find your local authorised technician, or call the office on 01767692871.

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Download our free Head to Tow trailer safety check app by clicking below. Access daily checks and manuals provided by and updated by trailer manufacturers only.


A New British Standard for

Agri Trailer Maintenance 

In November 2023, the British Standards Institute [BSI] published a new standard number BS 14200: 2023 titled ‘Maintenance of Machinery – Specification’


This standard covers all powered or manual machinery and associated components that employers provide for use in their businesses and for which they have a legal duty to maintain in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair as laid down in the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations: 1998.


BS 14200: 2023 specifies all the areas of maintenance that the ‘User’ needs to consider over the working life of their machinery. There is no definition of ‘User’ but it is clear that the ‘User’ is the person or organisation that owns or leases the machinery and either uses the machinery or directs the machinery to be used on their behalf to do work, usually on a commercial basis. The ‘User’ should not be confused with the ‘Operator’ who has been tasked with operating the machinery on behalf of the ‘User’.


The Standard presents a number of maintenance regimes that can be employed by the ‘User’ over the lifetime of the machinery. It also assists with determining how long that lifetime might be.


In the case of most Agricultural Machines, the Original Equipment Manufacturer [OEM] has often already determined the best maintenance schedule for the machine’s expected lifetime and provided details of this in the handbooks or literature supplied with the machine.


The ‘TILLY’ maintenance system already meets the specification of BS 14200: 2023 and provides reassurance to those participants who have their agricultural trailers checked on an annual basis by ‘TILLY’ approved competent persons. This does not mean that the ‘User’ can ignore the periodic checks that are necessary to keep the machinery functioning properly throughout the year. It will be necessary to keep records to show that all periodic checks are being carried out and acted on should something require closer scrutiny or repair.


On legal matters, the Judiciary like clear guidance on how laws should be used and enforced. This new Standard will assist the legal profession in determining if a ‘User’ has followed due process in ensuring that any machinery in question has been maintained in a way that meets PUWER and the Health and Safety at Work etc Act: 1974 or if a lack of maintenance was a contributory factor in an accident.


Using the ‘TILLY’ system on an annual basis and a proper system of periodic checks for your agricultural trailers will show that you, the ‘User’, took your responsibilities seriously.


Steve Simmons-Jacobs CEng, BSc Hons


Mechanical Engineering Safety Consultant


Tilly Group

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Manor Farm 
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07967445223 01767692871

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In Memory  of  Harry age 19, Tragically Killed in 2014 while Harvest working for G W Topham & Son from Cambridgeshire.  G W Topham & Son have been prosecuted & found Guilty in 2018 of failing to maintain its road equipment and ensure the health and safety of its employees.

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