Trailer Bookings
Welcome to the Tilly Trailer customers bookings, Quotes and Enquires page. This page is a quick and easy way for you to contact us to book your trailers or make an enquiry, by telephone or filling in the form below. We have been working hard over the last five years to help farmers and contractors meet the required standard of maintenance for their agricultural trailers, under the HSE PUWER98 Regulations and The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
We are leading the industry forward to meet the required standard of maintenance and testing for all size trailers and other trailed braked items. Misinformation and unqualified on-farm maintenance has led to a growing number of tragic life changing and fatal injuries, this could be avoided by the required standard being reached as in the Tilly Trailer Pass on farm inspection.
Alternatively you can visit the Dealer Location page and contact your chosen authorised dealership/technician yourself.
Telephone: 01767 692871
Mobile : 07967445223

Please remember -
Post Code.
Telephone Number,
Make of Trailers.
These details will help us to provide you with the help you need.
Jane Gurney.
Tilly office: 01767 692871
Email tillypass@gmail.com
"The number one priority for all businesses in all sectors should be safety"
-Angus Western- Richard Western Trailers