Over the last few months the NFU Mutual and the Tilly Pass have been meeting to establish the best way forward for owners of Trailers insured with the mutual to meet their legal obligations with the HSE PUWER 98 Regs.
The NFU Mutual
Sector Lead for Farming and Agriculture David Harrison along with the underwriters are updating the sector through their 600 UK agencies with all details on how to comply by contacting the Tilly at www.tillypass.co.uk to book all their trailers/muck spreaders for an inspection.
All Authorised Tilly Pass mechanics are advised to contact their customers well in advance and take bookings for annual inspections throughout 2020 as their workload looks to increase considerably.
Contractors and hire companies will most importantly need their fleet to comply ensuring farmers have access to well-maintained and compliant machinery for harvest 2020.

insured with the mutual