The Tilly team have been busy in #Norfolk today hitting more trailer training #HeadtoTow
This Bailey trailer is sporting one of our new retro body props, all trailers that are without a fixed prop ( sold before March 2021) must have access to a prop on farm. The prop must be a tested prop able to withstand two and a half times the weight of the trailer body. A trailer load should be discharged before a prop is used, bringing a trailer onto a hard standing and Informing a colleague that you are under the trailer is a sensible precaution to take as part of your risk assessment. A trailer prop must always be light enough for someone with less upper body strength to put in place. A lump of wood or a home-made prop is not sufficient to meet regulations. No one should prop a trailer for Unqualified maintenance. all maintenance should be carried out by a suitably competent person-someone who is qualified with liability.
contact for more detail
